wife mommy daughter sister blogger
Are you trying to figure this busy mom/wife/employee/sibling/insert your additional titles here (lol) life out? Well, me too! Let's do this together. Here you will find tall talk (because I'm 6 foot and love it, now, more on that later), easy, quick and sometimes meatless meals, mommy hacks, makeup, natural hair, and I pray some laughs. You are not alone, I didn't get those clothes folded this weekend either. We are all trying to figure this thing called life out. As I share my journey, I hope to glean from your journey as well, because, hey, we are all on one! You may want to know a few things about me, huh? Well, my favorite color is RED (I seriously think I'm obsessed). I am a mother of 3 (9,7,&1). I have been married for 14 years and this is my 14th year in education. Oh, did I forget to mention I want to be a model when I grow up? lol I look forward to hearing about you and your life. You are already a friend in my head. Love ya! TheRLSLife
CONTAct me
For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, you can reach me here:
RLSaxon1416@yahoo.com or drop me a line: